Terrific Tales on Traffic - Episode 1 (State of Grace)

🎵 Enwerem anuri Oge m nuru ka ha na ekwu si, k'anyi je n'ulo chineke nna muo, n'ulo chukwu ...🎶 It was 6:25 a.m. and Adanna was on her way to see the Lord, she hummed as she walked quickly to the nearby church in her area. The chilly morning breeze kissed her face and billowed against her scarf. She moved quickly, as though competing in a walking race. She had to walk 10 minutes to get to church, and she detests arriving late. Even yet, she walked with a bounce in her step because, after all, "Why wouldn't you be happy on the Sunday following the election?"😁

The jubilant melody continued to play in her head as she reflected on how great it felt to be in God's presence. On the road, not many individuals were present. Men washing cars or just showing off their ripped bodies while shirtless, a mother running after her four children, and two young teenagers wearing blue block rosary scarves. She grinned as she thought back on her happy years as a member of the bloc rosary and even as a president at one point. It's been so long already.

In the church lane, she made a turn. She could now see the church structure from the distance, but she still had a lot of steps to cover. There were a lot of wild shirtless men in this lane who whistled, stared, and made girls aware of their every move. She didn't mind, though, because she was used to being dubbed a "beautiful girl" and getting honked at. She continued to hum, "... 🎶e wuru Jerusalem, dika oke obodo kwusuru ike..🎶".

"Damn, you have the most kissable lips ever," a shirtless man said, "omo ,the song paused in her head... wo that one entered.. who be this na?.. She whirled around to see a shirtless man smiling and shouting more praiseworthy words as she hurried forward, and her mind began replaying the recordings of kisses her mouth had previously received.

My mouth is so kissable, dangit. She tasted her lips, noticing their smoothness and softness, and wondered if it was the lip gloss. It feels dry to me. I'd like to apply more. Oh Goodness!! what exactly am i doing? I'm going to church, oh! She thought as she felt other males staring at her. Oh my God, is it a crime to be attractive? What's all these? She grinned broadly and gushed. This is why I love going to St. DOMINICS, no shirtless males uttering or shouting thought-provoking phrases. this cash policy sef. I am getting exhausted by all these stares at my beautifulness, but am I though? I do enjoy compliments, a lot

The solemn sound of the entrance hymn interrupted her thoughts. Okay, I need to concentrate because we're just a few steps from the church now. Today, these kissable lips would have to partake in communion—damn, they are kissable. Oh my! she kissed her lips once more. Okay, let's concentrate. We need a new sober music to get back on the State of Grace track. Alright, here is one:, Agam eje nara ahu Christi...  yeah Beat that Devil... She sang out loud, " 🎶Agam eje altar we nara ahu Christ.. Ahu Dinwenum Jesu Christi I na enye ndu..🎶. _Yeah, yeah, we are back on track... " 

She entered the church, headed straight to her favorite pew... 🎶Here we are, joined together as we pray we'll always be🎵"Yeah we made it... with a pure and sanctified mind, Pheeww!! what a Sunday morning..

Written by - Rosemary Ugwuogo aka Dauntless


  1. If you got here! You are my biggest fan🥰. THANK YOU

  2. Great write up, keep it up little princess

  3. Ugwuogo Chukwuemeka Azubuike5 July 2023 at 21:59

    You are an amazing writer


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