Delulu Express - Episode 6 (Mr Lova Lova pt 2)

My heart was pounding against my ribs like a trapped bird, Sandra sitting next to me, her hand trembling as she held the gun to my head. In the front passenger seat sat the leader of the gang. His face was obscured by the darkness, and the guy beside me was unflinching, also in dark shades and nose masks, only the glint of the knife he held pressed against my stomach visible.

"Empty your bag, lover boy," the leader commanded, his voice low and menacing.

My hands were shaking vigorously as I reached for my bag, my mind racing with fear and confusion. I fumbled with the zipper, my fingers slipping on the smooth metal as I tried to comply with the robber's demand. I looked at Sandra, wordlessly asking why her eyes bore into my soul, her expression unreadable as she watched me with a mixture of guilt and apprehension. I could feel her betrayal like the knife bruising my gut, that realization sinking in that she had lured me into this trap. Where are you voice of reason? what should I do now? My Egoistic side was silent too. The forces have abandoned me

With trembling hands, I emptied the contents of my bag on the floor of the car,  spilling out in a jumble of books, papers, my tablet, headset, flash drives, and some biscuit wrappers because I hate littering, my bag was a better dump. The robber sifted through the items with greedy hands, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he searched for valuables.

"Is this all you have?" the leader growled, his voice dripping with disappointment. The man beside me hit me on my head

I nodded frantically, my throat went dry as I struggled to find my voice. 

"Please," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the hum of the engine. "Don't hurt me."

" With all these drip, no show ma, your papa de craze, Comot your watch first, and your palms, in fact comot all your clothes fast fast" The robber beside me sneered, his grip tightening on the knife as he leaned closer, his breath hot against my ear.

"You dey use drip to impress fine babe, shishi you no get, you no de shame " he spat, his words a bitter reminder of the betrayal that had led me into this nightmare.

"Check im bag wella, I saw him checking the inner pocket of the bag when he tried to hustle for taxi earlier!" Sandra said. Ehhhy Women!

The man beside me, pressed the knife into my lap, blood gushed out, and I screamed.

"You de use me play, You no like your life abi, Oya bring am out!"

With shaking hands, I reached for it and pulled it out, revealing bundles of cash neatly stacked inside.

The robber's eyes widened in surprise, a greedy smile spreading across his face as he snatched the pouch from my grasp. He quickly rifled through the bundles, his fingers counting the crisp notes with feverish excitement.

"There's more here than I expected," the robber exclaimed, his voice tinged with delight. "Looks like our luck just turned for the better."

Mommy's Money, my inner conscience said finally. My heart sank as I realized the magnitude of my mistake. It was slipping through my fingers, stolen by criminals who cared nothing for the consequences of their actions.

Sandra's gaze flickered with guilt as she watched the scene unfold, her hands trembling as she held the gun to my head. She hit my head with the butt of the gun, I could feel my skin tearing and blood gushing out. There was no turning back now, no way to undo the damage that had been done.

"Please let me go, I have given you everything I have, Please let me go! I beg you!" The robbers said nothing. The leader made a call, he was speaking in a hushed tone. Oh my God, they want to kidnap me and use me for ritual. Rain began to pelt against the taxi's windows, obscuring the view outside, My panic intensified. Desperation clawed at my chest as I realized that not only had I lost the money meant for my mother, I was now being taken to an unknown destination by ruthless criminals.

I opened my mouth to scream, to plead for mercy, but before a sound could escape my lips, a heavy blow landed on my jaw, stunning me into silence. Stars danced before my eyes as pain exploded through my head, and I tasted the metallic tang of blood in my mouth.

The man beside me wasted no time in delivering another punishing blow, this time to my hands. The knife he wielded sliced through skin and flesh, leaving behind a trail of crimson as I cried out in agony.

Sandra's eyes widened in horror as she watched the brutality unfold, her grip on the gun faltering for a moment before tightening once more. She was trapped in this nightmare as much as I was, a pawn in the hands of merciless criminals.

The taxi continued to plow through the rain-soaked streets, its headlights cutting through the darkness like a beacon of despair. My vision swam with pain and fear as I fought to stay conscious, to cling to the sliver of hope that remained within me. God please don't let them kill me, Please save me for my mother, Jesus please rescue me, St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the...." I slumped into unconsciousness, I could feel the breeze as they opened the door and whisked me out of the car

As I slowly regained consciousness, my head throbbed with pain, and my body felt heavy and bruised. Blinking against the dim light filtering through the gas station, I struggled to focus my thoughts. Where am I? There were bushes on either side of the road. Recognition dawned slowly as I realized where I was—the familiar sight of the big gas station at the airport road.

Despite the darkness of the clouds gathering overhead, the road beneath my feet was dry—a stark contrast to the torrential rain that had battered the taxi just moments before. I don't understand, confusion gnawed at me, but I had to survive first, I was bleeding from different parts of my body.

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I staggered towards the gas station, my legs wobbly and weak beneath him. Each step was heavy, but I couldn't give up now, I needed to find help

I stumbled through the gates of the gas station, I signaled to one attendant, who looked shocked just like the others. Relief flooded through me at the sight of familiar faces rushing to my aid. The manager quickly recognized me and his staff sprang into action. My vision blurred at the edges as I collapsed into the waiting arms of the gas station attendants. Their voices murmured words of reassurance, their hands gentle as they lifted me from the cold, hard ground.

And then, as darkness closed in around me once more, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. I am Alive at least! Thank you, Jesus! God punish you Sandra and your gang wherever you are! God punish love! Nonsense Rubbish!

The End!

Written by Rosemary Ugwuogo aka Dauntless

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