Spice of Life - Episode 6 (Revelations)

Well!!  We all chorused impatiently. Bikes laughed.

“Well…. Guys, I really don’t know how to describe it... Yeah, everything is going… Yes Mum, I’ll be downstairs in a second. Hello... So sorry guys, I really must go now but let’s meet tomorrow at BlowFish VI, my treat, this is not something I can describe over the phone, I just wanted you guys to know that I am okay, I must go now, see you tomorrow…bye.” She dropped off.

“Wow, just like that? The only thing I heard is “BlowFish VI, my treat”” Jenjen spoke.

“Oh my God, the suspense is killing,” Amira exclaimed.

“As in ehn, I can’t wait till tomorrow oh, I need this gist now?” Nonye said.

“Bikes has not married yet and she’s making us go gaga like this, this is why you should never leave the talking stage.” Everyone laughed except me.

“Woah, Woah, Woah! guys Is it me or Bikes doesn’t sound fine.” I spoke.

“Nope, she sounded very excited… Dara, she’s fine, you can stop worrying about her. Mother Hen” Amira said, rolling her eyes.

“Jenjen?” I raced to the parlor to get her facial expression.

“She seemed pretty fine to me.” I eyed her and did an impression of cutting her throat. She laughed.


“Dara, Bikes is fine. Your dreams did not come to pass?” They all laughed.

“Oh, laugh at me now, laugh at the dreamer, you know who else laughed at a dreamer, Joseph’s brothers, and you know what happened to them…”

“Oshey!! Dara nothing happened to them jare, you are not Joseph Joor, let it rest… Bikes is okay and fine.”

“How can you guys say she’s fine? Did you not hear her voice? She was whispering. Why would she be whispering if everything is okay?” I asked. Was I caring too much? They were silent. It felt so bad to be alone in this now. Everybody had backed out and I felt so stupid to continue to be on the wrong side fighting a lost cause. It looked sad. I felt sad. The silence said it all,

“Okay, it’s fine if you all think she’s fine, there is no need to worry. Sorry for making you panic” I said.

Jenjen broke the silence.

“As for me, All I can say is Thank God she’s well. For the full details, we’ll have to wait till tomorrow to find out. Now, the Blowfish, any reviews, I need to get back some of the useless charges Royal Bank Plc has been debiting me since 2013.”

“Abi, Opportunity comes but once, wise girl” Nonye seconded.

“Yes oh, I have to eat well before I go back to base on Monday” Jenjen continued

“Ahahn, Jenjen, you are leaving?” Everybody asked. I wasn’t surprised, at least we had discussed her abrupt departure in full, but Jenjen is a drama queen, sensing the heightened suspense, she would use this as an opportunity to create more dramatic anticipation.

“What about Bikes Wedding?” Would you still be coming?” Amira inquired.

“Well… If it eventually happens and our in-law decides to pay for my return ticket, who am I to refuse but for now, I am a bit expended, and need to go and make some money.”

“But Jenjen, what of our hot-girls summer plans,” Nonye whined.

“So sorry sweethearts, long story, I would shed more light tomorrow. But please oh, let’s try to come early oh, so we can take quality pictures and order up. Jenjen replied. They continued to bicker about Jenjen’s abrupt leaving. I was lost in thoughts, thinking of Bikes and everything. She did not even tell us where she is. She sounded sad and everyone seem to have moved on from it. Then I heard

“I too, have revelations tomorrow,” Amira announced. And everyone laughed.

“And so do I,” I said immediately so they don’t notice my absence or the fact that I am still worried about Bikes. Well, it was a poor attempt because they did notice.

“So, do you what? Do you even know what we were talking about…” Nonye asked, and everyone laughed.

“Yeah Yeah, we are on revelations now, Jenjen has revelations, Mira too, well, so do I! How long was I out?” I sounded and looked stupid, I rushed to the sitting room for Jenjen to give me a hint, but the girl was already dragging me happily.

“Like 5 minutes, Bae, 5 whole minutes, I was making jokes and explaining them to these guys. That’s your job na.” Nonye and Amira tried to protest, but she shushed them and continued

“Dara, at this point, I don’t know if it’s the #ChikeForever or is the fact that you are processing my “Going to America” news. Whatever it is, we are always here for you. Well, I know it’s a lot for you to handle but please try and be okay for the rest of us. Well, we have moved on from all that and are figuring out ways to spend Royal Capital’s money tomorrow, so we were looking at the menu and rehearsing our orders and I said the Grilled Salmon and BBQ Shrimps should be for only people with revelations.”

“Oh right! No problems, I will try and get a revelation before tomorrow so that I won’t be left out.” I sounded stupid and detached and I know it. The room was quiet. Jenjen was looking straight at me.

“Okay, guys see you tomorrow then, Bye” I ended the call, I think Nonye was trying to say something.

“Guys don’t worry I’ll talk with her, come early oh, I don’t want any story, Okay bye!!” Jenjen said as she ended the call.

“Bae, what is wrong with you?”

“I don’t know mehn, I am just really worried about Bikes.” I said as I walked down to the couch and slumped on the chair.

“Idara, Abike is fine, you just want to know how it went. You are silently hoping It didn’t go well, because you keep pretending that you are okay with all these, like one super supportive human. Tomorrow we’ll find out what happened. Okay? You are not a bad person for feeling this way, we understand how you feel, and we know it is not easy. I know you are over Chuks, and you are trying to protect Bikes, but you must come to terms with the fact that they both have made their choice and it’s not you, and be okay with it. Stop worrying about them, please! I have less than 48 hours to spend in Nigeria, I want my best friend back.” Jenjen said. She pulled me up from the chair and we hugged tightly.

“Thanks, Bae,” I spoke fighting back the tears in my eyes.

“Sure, No Biggie and please don’t embarrass me again, what was that lame revelation stunt rubbish.” We both laughed as we pulled away from the hug.

“Anyway, here is something I won’t be revealing just yet to the group. My graduation is in 3 months, and I would be sending only you an invite so that we can have fun in Yankee, how does that sound?” My eyes widen in shock.

“It’s a lie! Jen! Oh my Gosh.” I hugged her again. “What of your mom or your siblings? Is it fully expense paid?”

“Well, I can pay for your one-way ticket, you can take care of your return ticket if you even want to come back at all. You need to leave this country and see hot Oyibo men so that this # Chikefornow thing would be off from your mind #forever. Mom is in the UK with Ada, Omugwo things, Obinna is enjoying his family, Dad is throwing parties in heaven, somebody’s son has refused to find me, uncles and aunties are a no-no from me as always, so you are the only available family left! So…”

“Yes!! Babe!! I am so in, thank you so much Jenjen! You are the best!”

“Yes, I am. And this is the mood I am talking about, let’s go clubbing tonight.”

“Hell yeah! You need some Lagos booze in your system before you leave. I have resumed my best friend duties. Cheers to the freaking weekend.” We both laughed. Tomorrow can go any way it wants to go because the future is so bright, it stings my eyes. I don’t know if I want to stay in America yet, my brand is doing exceptionally well now. I have planned 2 engagements and there are about 6 in the pipeline, then after Bikes wedding, I know there would be more. But I do need a holiday after the whole wedding, and this is the universe aligning with my plans. Besides I planned a trip for Bikes that time we wanted to abort the mission so now that money would be put to good use now, Look at God. I get dressed hastily, Jenjen invites Nonye and Amira, Nono was ecstatic, she loves spontaneous outings like this, and she was already whining about how we make plans and fail to execute them. Amira declines, baby mama duties tonight, and the nanny was away. Before we knew it, we were off to Cubana to have a good time.

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Written by Rosemary Ugwuogo aka Dauntless

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